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Rapunzel of Sweden - Single sided Tape 4 cm 10 pieces

Single sided Tape 4 cm

10 pieces



Article No.: 20155.100

Single sided Tape – Readymade tape pieces to your hair extensions

Hair extension tape with a self-adhesive side and a non-adhesive side, so you can use only one taped piece instead of two. Perfect if you have thinner hair in which two taped pieces can feel heavy. Comes in one-size that works perfectly with Premium Tape Extensions Seamless 4, Premium Tape Extensions Classic 4 and Basic Tape Extensions Classic 4. 1 packet includes 10 pieces of tape.

Apply Single-sided Tape under your hair, and your hair extension over it. Ideal for applying high up and to the sides of your head.
NB: When replacing Tape-on Extensions, you need to apply double-sided Refill Tape to each hair section before attaching with Single-Sided Tape.

1,6” width; 0,35” height
Amount: 1/p